Frequently asked questions
Here is a list of the most commonly asked questions about Hijama cupping therapy.
If you have a more specific query, please do not hesitate to contact us, we are always happy to help!
Is Hijama painful?
The removal of blood through suction itself is completely painless for all patients. 90% of patients don’t feel any pain whatsoever when the scratches are made, but some, depending on their pain threshold, may experience a ticklish sensation, and others may feel what resembles faint paper cuts. Rest assured, the scratches are very light and only designed to pierce the very top layer of the skin. In the hands of an experienced therapist, they are made within just a few seconds.
Is Hijama safe and hygienic?
Yes, Hijama is safe and we use sterile, single use supplies for each client. Surfaces are cleaned frequently using hospital grade disinfectants and all clinical waste and sharps are disposed of in accordance with Laws and Regulations.
After hijama is completed, the cupped points are usually wiped with a no sting antiseptic wipe. Then a small amount of olive oil is applied on it. Since the scratches are so light, they close up/healed by themselves very quickly, therefore there is no need to apply a wound dressing. We also provide aftercare advice on how best to take care of the skin whilst it is healing.
How long will the bruises remain on my skin?
The redness from the cups being applied should start to fade in 48 hours. Scratches take around 07 days to heal in most clients.
Their healing can be assisted by applying the area with olive oil once a day. This will keep the skin supple whilst it heals.
How long does an appointment take?
That depends on the number of cups, where they are applied and also if a full medical consultation is included in the appointment. An average follow up appointment (without a full consultation) may take around an hour.
I’m not a Muslim, will Hijama benefit me?
Absolutely. Many non Muslims are treated with Hijama every month and feel significantly better, with many reporting that no other treatment they have tried has been able to provide them with as much relief as Hijama has done. If you are not a Muslim but would like to try Hijama, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
I’ve seen videos showing a lot of blood in the cups, is that how much blood is removed?
No, not at all. Hijama isn’t about removing lots of blood from the body. It’s simply about breaking the skin’s surface so that toxins can escape. Each individual person bleeds differently depending on the health of the area being cupped and the constitution of the blood. Some may naturally bleed a lot, whereas others hardly bleed at all. Both of these are completely normal.
How would I feel after the treatment? Are there any side effects?
There aren’t any side effects, but some clients may feel sore and slightly worn out for around 24 hours after treatment.
Can I have hijama performed if I have a blood-bourne disease, or am haemophilic or diabetic?
It depends on the unique details of your individual case and each case will be assessed on its individual merits. Please don’t forget to bring your medications and/or medical treatment notes with you when you come for your treatment session.
What’s the best time to get hijama performed?
Undoubtedly the best time to perform Hijama is on either the 17th, 19th or 21st of the lunar month. Having said this, Hijama can be performed on any day at any time, particularly if you are unwell and need it as an immediate treatment.
How often should I get hijama performed?
As a general rule, healthy people who don’t have any medical issues can have it performed twice a year. For all other patients, the frequency will depend on what they are being treated for, their general health and how well their skin heals.
How many treatments do I need?
That will depend on your health condition, age and how well your body responds to the treatment.
Which cupping points / places on the body are the best for Hijama?
That also depends on your health condition. Points are chosen based on where there is pain or toxicity. The cupping points from the Sunnah are included in some appointments – on the back (between the shoulder blades) and sometimes at either side of the neck.
I don’t have any health issues, should I still have hijama treatment?
It is preferable for healthy people to have Hijama performed too, but infrequently, twice a year.
Can I have hijama performed if I’m on my period?
Menses are a natural detoxification ordained by the Almighty. Hijama does not need to be performed when you are on your period if you are healthy. However, if you are unwell, it can be performed after the heaviest flow days have passed.
Can I have hijama performed if I’m pregnant?
Hijama during pregnancy carries an increased risk of miscarriage or inducing premature labour, therefore it is strongly recommended that all women who are pregnant avoid hijama cupping until at least three months after they have given birth. By Allah’s Grace, there are some effective alternatives to Hijama in the treatment of pain and muscle stiffness during pregnancy, please contact us to find out more.
Can hijama be performed on under 18’s?
Please contact us to discuss your specific health questions. We are always happy to help.